Register from the "ait ID signup" section on the right side of the page.
2. Register as a member to alt ID.
*For more information about alt ID, please click here.
You can register as an alt ID member by using your e-mail address or an external account (Google/Facebook/Twitter/Apple). Please refer to the following section for your preferred registration method.
<If you register with an email address>
2-1. Enter your "e-mail address", "password", and "invitation code (if you have one)" in the "Register with e-mail address" field, and then select "Register".
2-2. When the "Temporary Registration Completion" screen is displayed, confirm the subject line "ait ID E-mail Address Registration" received at your registered e-mail address.
2-3. Select the link in the subject "ait ID e-mail address registration.
2-4. Select "Continue" when you see "Your e-mail address has been confirmed" on the screen.
2-5. When the AI GIJIROKU Home screen appears, your registration is complete.
<If you register with Google>
2-1. Select "Continue with Google" button.
2-2. When the "Select Account" screen of Google appears, select the account you wish to register.
2-3. When the AI GIJIROKU Home screen appears, your registration is complete.
<If you register with Facebook>
2-1. Select the "Continue with Facebook" button.
2-2. When the Facebook "Permission Request" screen appears, select "Login as (Facebook account name)".
2-3. When the AI GIJIROKU Home screen appears, your registration is complete.
<If you register with Twitter>
2-1. Select the "Continue with Facebook" button.
2-2. When the Twitter "Permission Request" screen appears, select "Authorize Linked Apps".
2-3. When the AI GIJIROKU Home screen appears, your registration is complete.
<If you register with Apple>
2-1. Select "Continue with Twitter" button.
2-2. When the "Permission Request" screen of Twitter is displayed, select "Authenticate Linked Apps".
2-3 「When the "Create an alt ID account using your Apple ID (the email address you used when signing in)" screen appears, be sure to select "Share email" and then "Continue".
2-4. When the AI GIJIROKU Home screen appears, your registration is complete.
This completes your registration for the Free Plan.
When you register, you will be able to use the free plan only for browsing.
If you would like to use a paid plan beyond the Personal Plan, please upgrade to a Personal Plan by clicking "Switch to Paid Plan" on the red banner at the top of the screen, or by clicking the avatar icon at the top right of the screen > Settings > Plans.
We hope you enjoy using AIGIJIROKU, the smart meeting place to start with your team.
For more information about new registration, please click here.